Monday, September 6, 2010

Recent thought..

Saturday night Jim invited our friend AJ over. He brought his friend, some guy who filmed the show. He looked older, I figured he was an older guy who "use" to be "into" hardcore.
As the night carried on, we watched the Another Mistake set from that night. The guy made dumb commentary "why is punching the air so cool?" "hardcore dancing is stupid" "straightedge is outdated" "hardcore is outdated" "I use to like hardcore then I grew up" type of shit. I asked him how old he was, 23. Twenty fucking three talking like he was some 30 year old wash up, hasbeen, but no.
Upon further investigation, the only "hardcore" bands he could name and said he was interested in were Breather Resist, and Black Cross. I just had to walk away at this point. I know people are entitled to their opinions, and I should respect them no matter how ignorant they sound to me. How are you going to come into someone's house and insult everything they love and live for? I realize he probably didn't know what he was talking about but the simple fact that he had no filter, no tact, just continued to bash "hardcore" and talk about how stupid straightedge is. I love hardcore. I love the straightedge.
I don't mean any hard feelings towards this guy, but I'm 23. I don't find myself saying shit like "outdated." I haven't been alive that long to make those sort of judgments. He really frustrated me. When someone talks badly about something they know little to nothing about it's irritating. It's cool to have an opinion but have a little knowledge of the topic.

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